Aerial Saw Operations
Rotor Power LLC uses an aerial power saw attached to a MD 500 series helicopter, to side trim rights-of-way for major power, pipeline, railroad companies and government agencies throughout the United States.
Aerial side trimming provides maximum lateral clearances from vegetation encroaching into rights-of-way. Unlike conventional side trimming methods, the air saw is capable of removing the canopy in rights-of-way by trimming from sky to ground. This can be accomplished in rough terrain and ground conditions with little or no environmental impacts to natural resources such as wetlands, river crossings, and other sensitive areas. Benefits of aerial vegetation management
Maximum clearance and efficiency is achieved in combination with other techniques for managing brush and trees on the ground. The air saw has been shown to be highly productive and efficient when compared to the work of ground-based crew. In one hour, an aerial saw can trim as much as can be completed by conventional ground crews in one or more days. An aerial saw option should be considered when utilities are working on projects with limited windows to complete the vegetation-clearing activities. It is most effective when utilized as part of an Integrated Vegetation Management Program. |